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eighteen / Madison Bigelow / Designer: Elijah Matthews
How It Is / Julie Choffel / Designer: Elijah Matthews
Silver Screens / Krista Mitchell / Designer: Morgan Derby
Last Night I Was Dreaming about This / Amy Nocton / Designer: Morgan Derby
Ode to the Fungus: Dedicated to Amanita, Ink-Cap, Dryad’s Saddle, Chicken-of-the-Wood, True Morel, Fly Agaric, and All the Rest. / Cory Nocton / Designer: Katie May Howarth
Sailchuach / Summer Quinn / Designer: Katie May Howarth
Liminal Month / Rylee Thomas / Designer: Victoria Shaffer
Buzzing / Kathryn Warrender-Hill / Designer: Victoria Shaffer
Façade of Clouds Before an Upside-Down Moon / Sharon Spaulding / Designer: Sarah Woodward
Reflections at Babcock Pond / Molly Kissane / Designer: Lina Racaniello
A Lullaby / Michelle Marie / Designer: Christopher Holguin
The Storm / Haley Hines / Designers: Katie May Howarth & Michaela Abate
Half-Sestina on the Death of Franco-America / Elisabeth Bienvenue / Designers: Colin Ladd & Kate Blomstramm
Observation Notes / Lauren Young / Designers: Amara Khaled, Jared Poulsen & Laura Skinger
A Ghost Story: Una Historia de Fantasmas / Maurice Rodriguez / Designers: Luke Blodgett & Olivia Pelzar
Eggs, Sour Beer / Daniel Healy / Designer: Caroline Amberg
Abandoned Rehab, Former Hotel / Julia Brush / Designers: Emilie Dufresne & Emily Karam
In Response to the Ecology of Mind / Sophia Buckner / Designers: Colin Ladd & Chin Rochester
Untitled [I want to become part of the collective] / Violet Duval / Designers: Michaela Abate & Ally Maccio
overgrown / Sydney Guerrera / Designers: Michael Berardis & Yadavi Patil
The Eraser / Amanda McCarthy / Designers: Carlos Dominguez & Nikki McDonald
Translation / Anna Ziering / Designer: Raeanne Nuzzo
Riddle 78 / Miller Oberman / Designer: Hunter Kelley
3 A.M. / Joan Seliger Sidney / Designer: Brigid Reale
I’m Facing You, Lexington and 125th (Or Perhaps You’re Facing Me) / Danilo Machado / Designers: Kellie Pcolar & Sydney Roper
contours / Micah Goodrich / Designers: Samantha Weiss & Erika Greenblatt
The Atoll / Darcie Dennigan / Designers: Nicholas Casey & Celia Poirer
Yield / Jerome Daly / Designers: Devin Arch & Taurean Stovall
On Noisy Love-Making / Jared Demick / Designers: Shane Milan & Alexis Sundara
The Moon / Eleanor Blansett Trimm / Design: Danielle Riley & Amanda Batula
A Forgetting / Chantelle Messier / Designers: Danielle Nachowitz & Justine Braisted
On Breaking Up / Colby McAdams & Kristyn Michaud / Designer: Sarah Lafferty
In A Ring Storm / Miller Oberman / Designers: Bryce de Flamond & Amanda Sims
Abercrombie / Denise Abercrombie / Designers: Nicole Harris & Kristen Green
Dream: for ELD, on her birthday / Clare Costley King’oo / Designer: Nicolas Giapponi
Mother to Son in Iraq / Lynn Hoffman / Designer: Ellis Sant’Andrea
Ecstasy, Unsure / Nathan Bean / Designer: Marques Word
Efflorescence / Ryan Wiltzius / Designer: Lilian Chen
Tumble / Michelle P. Carter / Designer: Kelly Walters
My Last Night / Sharon Bryan / Designer: Holly Turner
A Song for His American Granddaughter / Sierra B. Ryan / Designer: Marlene Brown
S EE (CHAR [ CHAR HOW] / Marcus Rummell / Designer: David Ceraso
Snow, Rain, Snow, Rain, Snow, Rain / Cormac Nocton / Designer: Jessica van Vlamertynghe
Jellyfish, Mandalay Bay / Amber West / Designer: Jay Quercia
House Call / Thomas DeFeo / Designer: Heather Lumley
Drum, rolled / Emily Lyon / Designer: Madeline Bey
broken machines / Adrian Mahoney / Designer: Stephanie Mullins
Answering / Suzanne Ondrus / Designer: Johanna DeNapoli
The Life, The Meaning / Joseph B. Welch / Designers: Kristi-Lynn Jacovino & Brian Dunnigan
New London Boy / Natalie Pentz / Designers: Kathleen Hall & Willard Kane
Postcard from Chimney Pond / Jon Andersen / Designer: Emily Giorgione
As Steam Rises / Tae Hwan Song / Designer: Carolyn Clouse
Van Gogh’s A Wheat Field with Cypress / Ashley Dudas / Designer: Kathryn Keller
Maple Trees / Henry Crain / Designer: Brittany Whiteman
Kazahana [Wind Flowers] / Jennifer Lynn Holley / Designer: Stephanie Mullins
If I should rain tonight, for Angela / Jared Demick / Designer: Jason Quercia
Serrated Savior / Joshua Blodgett / Designer: Emily Moser
Thus I Am Called, Thresher to Fields / Kevin Goodan / Designer: Kendra Wallace
Islamorada, 1976 / Marcella Rooney / Designer: Edward McGlynn
High Noon on Sunday, the Sixth of August / Kenzi Wilbur / Designer: Margaret Randall
Everything I Know / Michael Schrage / Designer: Parthena Aprea
Empty Bedroom / Justine Cigna / Designer: Elysa Lencz
Bartleby Under an Overpass / Patrick Krompinger / Designer: Emily Giorgione
The Astronomer, 1668 / Anthony Deaton / Designer: Apirat Infahsaeng
A Black Girl / Ebony S. Murphy / Designer: Brad Amorosino
Sestina for Breastmilk, Leaving Cambodia, 1982 / Sophanaid Chin / Designer: John Paul Chirdon
Easter Births / Christopher Todd Anderson / Designer: Anzelina Okarmus
Feverstreet / Emily Heiden / Designer: Brad Amorosino
Hen / Claire Elizabeth Nelson / Designer: John Paul Chirdon
On a Tree in a Snowstorm / Justin Sider / Designer: Apirat Infahsaeng
What Is It Good For / Sydney Landon Plum / Designer: Anzelina Okarmus
Bird Sex / David Ripley / Designer: Katie-Lynn Greene
When Art Made Backwards Captures Untrained Eyes / Ken Cormier / Designer: Katie-Lynn Greene
First Book of Secrets / Andrew Trudeau / Designer: Erica Flamand
Canción a mi soledad / Jacqueline Ruiz / Designer: Bryan Langdeau
Rx / Cathy Hrusa / Designer: Erica Flamand
The Naming / Shanoni James / Designer: Erica Flamand
Confession of a Label / Sokunthair Chin / Designer: Erica Flamand
Craving / Malgorzata Kirklewska / Designer: Erica Flamand
Acrylic Cookbook Holder / Alicia Leonard / Designer: Erica Flamand
Bar Scene / Michelle Dascola / Designer: Erica Flamand
Sunday Mornings in August / Lyndsay Stephenson / Designers: Bozena Janik & Erica Bartelson
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 / Julie Wernau / Designers: Anne McAndrew & Patricia Reape
Repair / Robert Dunn / Designers: Jonathan Fenwick & Jennifer Sparkman
Logic / Doug Anderson / Designer: David Bellona
Dream / Carrie-Lynn O’Donnell / Designers: Kendall Donoho & Benjamin Saluti
Impending Hurricane / Bruce Cohen / Designers: Lindsey Muir & Ashley Oat
Discovery / Mike Nolan / Designers: Kendall Donoho & Lindsey Muir
Autumn Hoe-Down / Michael Snyder / Designer: Adam VanDine
A Picture / Evan Dwyer / Designer: Megan Biddle
Against the Pomp of Cutlery / Sumitra Ratenshwar / Designers: Lindsey Muir & Ashley Oat
Birdlimed / Stephanie Roach / Designer: Jeff Bellantoni
Forcefully Dunking / Katherine Thurber / Designer: Ginger Nagy
How I Discovered Poetry / Marilyn Nelson / Designer: Troy Pontbriand
Mother / Rebecca Maran / Designer: Jeff Bellant
My Family / David Markowitz / Designers: Minh Vu & Jonathan Fenwick
Naming It / Margaret Gibson / University Design Center
Nearer / Aaron Bremyer / Designers: Kendall Donoho & Benjamin Saluti
Willimantic, Connecticut / James Barry / Designer: Dominic Rinaldi